Monday, February 13, 2012

Can anyone tell me where the fuel pump is on my BMW 318is coupe?

I have looked under the back seat and there are two covers if the fuel pump is under one of them what is the other for ?Can anyone tell me where the fuel pump is on my BMW 318is coupe?what year? i can give you the pictures of it all.

Its the one under the passenger sode. thats the access you want.

remove the access cover. press the green unlocking ring and detach fuel delivery hose. disconnect other hoses. Disconnect electrical plug. Loosen screw cap and remove it and sealing ring. Remove fuel pump.

pull out carefully as the sending unit level is attached also.

when installing, ensure the float sensor ie pressed onto the face of the fuel baffle. Rotate the screen and float onto fuel tank. Ensure the marker rib on fuel pump aligns with mark on gas tank. insert new seal ring and cap ring.

reconnect everything. key the car on and off about 3 times, then start it and drive away to the nearest mcdonalds cause you will be hungry by then! :)Can anyone tell me where the fuel pump is on my BMW 318is coupe?
On your drivers side. but if your british its on the iother side...Can anyone tell me where the fuel pump is on my BMW 318is coupe?On the motorway 20 miles back ha haha!!!
I am no mechanic, but I think the fuel pump is under the hood!Can anyone tell me where the fuel pump is on my BMW 318is coupe?have you looked in the glovebox?Can anyone tell me where the fuel pump is on my BMW 318is coupe?
it is on the bottem and toward the back of the car
it is located beside the back TyreCan anyone tell me where the fuel pump is on my BMW 318is coupe?
an electric fuel pump is usually located INSIDE of the fuel tank. The reason in that the fuel actually acts as a coolant for the pump motor.

Keeping your fuel level less than 1/2 tank all the time will shorten the life of the pump.

Great design ,,huh???
your fuel pump is in the gas tank, if your lucky you can pull one of those doors off under your back seat and get to the pump without having to take the tank down, which door it is I have no idea.
Lift up back seat drivers side unscrew 4 screws remove plate you will see a large black plastic screw top undo this (sharp tap with blunt chistle and hammer) the fuel pump is attached to the float hope this helps you.. under the other one is the same but this is just a fuel float, for some reason they fit 2 floats..
The fuel pump is definitly in the fuel tank, you should be able to gain access through the covers under the back seat. Dont waste time tring to find it under the engine cos it aint there.

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